Sunday, January 30, 2011

Introductory Post

Hi. How is it going for you?

My name is Tabetha. I like books. I have a lot, and I read a lot. I think a lot about books and what I'm reading, and also what I have read, and will read next. So, I decided to make a book review blog. Nobody is out there, reading this, anyway.

I read mostly fantasy and science fiction novels. But I do have other kinds of books I read. Like fantasy and science fiction short story anthologies. :p Okay, that was unnecessary. I have traditional literature, children's-to-teen novels from the nineties, books about writing (as I am an aspiring writer), nonfiction, horror, and comic books. The nonfiction includes subjects like piano-playing, science, history, philosophy, travel, mythology, and pop culture. I am also trying to start a D&D campaign, so sometimes I might read some of those books and talk about then here.

When I review a book, you may not like what I have to say about it. That's fine. I don't care. For instance, I do not like Tolkien, Hemingway, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Robert Jordan, or Terry Goodkind. That may upset you. You may want to argue with me. Whatever. I'm not here to argue with you.

My reviews will consult plot and editing and all that, but it may also include just how the story resonates with me, or if I got bored. I will try to reveal why I have this book and why I am reading it.

The first few reviews may not be as polished as others. That's really the nature of how this works out. But I'm really just doing this for fun, anyway, in a stressful time in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogosphere Tabby! I'm at
